You're probably into a girl, but having a tough time to know if she is into you. This might somehow manage's to remain mystery and it's a bit hard to figure out a girls feeling. But the main point is, there are some signs that might help guys to find out whether he's ready to take next step or not .
Now, I'm going to tell you some signs that a girl is into you, so can instantly tell whether she likes you or her feeling are just casual.
Signs that a Girl is totally into you
She love to keeps the conversation going
You know she really into you, when she holds the conversation and keep talking. A girls who likes you would find a way to make a way to keep the conversation going.
She looks at guy when He is talking
She like's text you first
If she texts you sweet poetry text and respond to you very quickly then, that is one big sign that she likes you a lot.
When She act interested every thing you like
Does she act interested in things you're interested in? like if you like football she also talk about football. then there are chances she's also interested in you.
She's always smile and in good mood when she around you
She makes an effort
She makes an effort whether its big or small to make u feel good and shows you she care you.
She starts up the conversation
Girls who initiate starts conversations are those who wants to chit chat to you because they are interested and attracted to you.
She stands close to you
A girl, who's interested in you love getting closer to you. If she is really interested she won't let herself to stay away from guy, As much as possible she always want to stay near to you 24/7.
She's a bit touchy about you
If you ignore the girl she feel sad and worried it mean she is touchy about you and if you stand and talk with other girls she also feel sad. if you feel that then she is 100% into you.
She asks your personal life questions
If a Girl likes you, She will try to ask personal questions like "Do you have a girlfriend?" or "any past relationship?" asking Questions like that is big sign that she likes you.
There you have it! Signs that a Girl is totally into you
Those are just few but big signs that might useful for you to figure out whether she is into you or she not. Girls surly be a bit harder to decode but as long as you know these signs you wouldn't have to problems.
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